RMT 720 Motorcycle Headset |
The RadioMate® headset features a receiver disk next to each ear, installed within the cushioning of the helmet. A water-resistant, noise-canceling microphone affords clear transmittals, even in noisy traffic. Our technicians repair, swap or install new headsets into your existing helmets. Call for labor charges or pricing on new helmets.
RMT XX3-6 Belt Push-to-Talk
Switch |
This belt mounted push-to-talk switch allows the user to connect to a portable
radio and transmit and receive on the headset when off the motorcycle, a leather
strap and snap attaches easily to a duty belt. Specify radio model to determine
cable termination.
001 20-03052-36 RadioMate® Body
Cord |
This cord connects helmet headset to tank cable from mobile radio or to belt
mounted push-to-talk switch for use with portable radio. The RadioMate body cord
for motorcycle is made of premium quality coiled cable and includes a male,
military style heavy-duty plug and a female connector.